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You can view all playlists by Date or by Instructor. To view by "Date" click on the date you wish to view on the right side bar. To view by "Instructor" click on the instructor's name above.

Bonnie Schnelle

 Click here to view Bonnie's Facebook Page and obtain future playlists.

Darlene Burdin

To view future playlists from Darlene Burdin please contact her directly at

Darlene Miller

Darlene Miller has taught classes in the Villages and at the The Enrichment Academy for years classes. She has decided to retire from teaching. She will be missed. Thanks Darlene for all your years of providing us with wonderful, fun memories.

Dean Ouellette

To view future playlists from Dean Ouellette please contact him directly

Diane Ellis

If you are not already receiving Diane’s playlists each week via email, send her a request to be added:

Helen Hamlett

To view future playlists from Helen Hamlett please contact her directly at